Workplace health and safety:
Our Workplace Health and Safety Policy, supported by our comprehensive WH&S management system and a promise of industry best practice, undoubtedly set us apart and expresses our organisations commitment in providing a safe and healthy workplace. UBM Group’s WH&S management system consists of WH&S Management Plan and Safe Work Method statements; one that is essential and is an integral part of our business’ success.
Through our WH&S Program we can insure the safety of all our employees, visitors and contractors in-site and within our work premises
- WH&S policy statement
- Project health and safety officer representative
- First Aid
- Accident an incident reporting and investigation
- Personal protective equipment
- Identifying, safety and care in handling hazardous substances
- Material storage and handling
- Fire protection
- Electrical equipment and tools
- Site rules
- Plant and Equipment
UBM employees, contractors and visitors whilst within the work premises is expected to be in their best conduct and behaviour. UBM group as an employer and a responsible contractor complies with Australian law (i.e. Occupational Health and safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007) and works towards providing a safe work environment using the WHS compliance framework.
The basis for this process begins with UBM’s Workplace health and safety policy which includes:
- Alcohol and drugs policy
- Non-smoking policy
- Equal opportunity , bullying and unlawful harassment policy
- Rehabilitation policy
- Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policy
- Environmental policy